- Starting point:
Follina, borough of Marcita - Starting point coordinates:
45°56’53.73″N 12° 7’20.35″E
- Difficulty: Low
- Time: 4h 30'
- Length: km 11,3
- Altitude: m 327
ATTENTION: due to the closure of a private passage on the Costa di Zuel, the route undergoes a change in the Roncavazzai – Zuel di Qua section. The new variant passes on the cycle/pedestrian path that leads from Follina to Crosera and then to Zuel di Qua on Caldarment.
It is worth visiting the sub-alpine hills also as regards the area of Follina and to do so there is nothing better than following a pleasant ring route that also includes path no. 1030. This excursion begins in the south of the town, in the borough of Marcita, near which there is an ancient mallet. Walk through the public gardens and then go up to the Roncavazzai hill, famous for the legend of the Virgin of the Holy Chalice. At the last bend of the access road, follow a path that enters steeply into the woods. Cross the Fratte di Follina, a long ridge that is later called Costa di Zuel, meeting two rural churches dedicated to Saint Eurosia, protector of fields and crops, and Saint Lucy, protector of the eyes, respectively. Walk along a stretch of asphalt following the signs for Zuel di Qua until you reach the Osteria al Cacciatore; here path no. 1030 officially begins. At the height of the niche of Saint Anthony, turn into the woods along the forest road that cuts the northern side of the Perentana, the second line of hills on the itinerary. Further on, the trail becomes a path which, thanks to some red and white signs, will allow you to quickly reach the town of Farrò. From the parish church dedicated to Saint Titian, go down the Strada Vecia di Farrò, then turn into via Vallalta, going back to the woods along the valley of the same name. Shortly after the Pissa waterfall, climb the last stretch uphill to the small village of Col, then continue downhill on the paved access road and, after a stretch of pedestrian cycle track, close the ring again in Follina passing through the ancient borough of Tre Ponti.
Fun Facts:
It is said that in the 8th century, before the arrival of the Cistercian monks who founded the monastery of Follina in 1150, the Benedictines hid the ancient sculpture of the Madonna with child on the hill of Roncavazzai, to save it from iconoclastic destruction. The statue remained buried until the year 1000, when it was found while plowing fields. Legend has it that the oxen suddenly refused to continue plowing, thus signaling the presence, underground, of the statue of the Madonna of the Sacred Chalice, later placed in the abbey.